Testimonials from other experts in their fields






Some testimonials from other experts in their fields



“I wanted to thank you for your interest and very helpful involvement in our FSI programs these past few months. It was a pleasure to work with someone so well read in Bowen Theory and so passionate about its accurate application.”

Jenny Brown, Director, The Family Systems Institute, Sydney , Australia

Jenny Brown is regarded as one of Australia ‘s experts in Murray Bowen’s Family Systems Theory and has been dedicated to developing the application of this model in clinical practice and training for the past decade.


“Thank you very much for the information – that is very interesting to me indeed and your generosity in sharing this I am grateful for. I saw a demonstration of your … and it is very impressive. Your programmes are quite ingenious indeed. I have told you before Sydney is very lucky to have you reside here…”

Dr. John Mumford, Sydney (author of many books that have been translated into several languages)

Dr. Jonn Mumford has authored many books some of which have been translated into many languages and are available world-wide. His works include “Psychosomatic Yoga” (1961) “Ecstasy Through Tantra” (1988), “A Chakra and Kundalini Workbook” (1994), “Magical Tattwa Cards” (1997), “Mind Magic Kit” (1998), “Death: Beginning or End?” (1999) and “Karma Manual” (1999) from Llewellyn Publications. His diverse background includes training in chiropractic and psychology, many years of practice as an osteopathic physician, advanced training in a wide range of Eastern disciplines, and many years of teaching in Australia , India and the United States.


“…Clinicians like Dr. Satya Prakash are very rare. In addition to being highly competent in modern western clinical methods he has an in depth knowledge of the Ayurvedic classics as well as various other Indian systems of knowledge such as Yoga and the shaddarsanas. He is well versed not only in the clinical but also the philosophical and psychological aspects of Ayurveda. He is a great scholar…”

Dr. L. Mahadevan, MD (Gen.Med.Ayu),

Director, Dr. Y. Mahadeva Iyer’s Sri Sarada Ayurvedic Hospital , Derisanamcope, Kanyakumari , TN , India


“The articles Satya Prakashji has been writing are very scholarly and for many … very educative also.”

K. N. Rao, retired Director General (IAAS), Advisor, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi (author of several books and articles)